Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Doctor Who: "The Dalek Invasion of Earth"

The Doctor: Conquer the Earth, you poor pathetic creature? Don't you realise that to conquer the Earth, you would have to destroy every living thing?
Dalek: We are the masters of Earth. We are the masters of Earth. We are the masters of Earth!

A Dalek patrols occupied London

"World's End", 21 November 1964
"The Daleks", 28 November 1964
"Day of Reckoning", 5 December 1964
"The End of Tomorrow", 12 December 1964
"The Waking Ally", 19 December 1964
"Flashpoint", 26 December 1964

Written by Terry Nation
Directed by Richard Martin
Script editor: David Whitaker
Produced by Verity Lambert
Associate producer: Mervyn Pinfield

William Hartnell as the Doctor
William Russell as Ian Chesterton
Jacqueline Hill as Barbara Wright
Carole Ann Ford as Susan Foreman (last regular appearance)

Ian and Barbara are initially elated when the TARDIS arrives in London, under a bridge on the south bank of the Thames. Susan is so excited that she scales a pile of debris to get a better look at the city. But the debris isn't as stable as it looks, and being disturbed causes a small avalanche. This results in two problems: first, Susan has twisted her ankle badly, and worse, the TARDIS is now blocked behind a large iron spar, far too heavy for the TARDIS team to move on their own.

And the Doctor has noticed something is wrong: London seems deserted. Not just deserted--entirely devoid of life. They can't even hear birdsong. And under the bridge, a large sign is posted: IT IS FORBIDDEN TO DUMP BODIES IN THE RIVER.

Ian and the Doctor head into an abandoned warehouse to see if they can find an acetylene torch to cut the iron spar, while Barbara remains behind to tend to Susan. Inside the warehouse, they find an old desk calendar, printed for the year 2164, and they find a dead human body, hidden in a crate. The dead man is wearing some sort of elaborate, futuristic headgear with a radio built into.

("But Doctor," Ian gasps, "you mean these people have invented some form of--personal communication?")

From a factory window, the Doctor and Ian see a massive flying saucer make its way over London, then set down somewhere in the vicinity of the Chelsea heliport. They decide it's time to leave, and head back to the TARDIS. But Susan and Barbara aren't there anymore.

They've gone because a man arrived, David, who expressed dismay that the two women were out in the open and demanded they come with him. He leads them across the ruins of London in a brilliantly atmospheric film sequence, which I've already lauded in my earlier review of this story.

But meanwhile, back at the TARDIS, the Doctor and Ian find their companions missing, and they've been replaced by four men in the same headgear as the corpse at the warehouse was wearing. And it's more than just a personal radio--the weird metal helmets are also brain control devices, turning the men who wear them into human robots ("Robomen"). The Doctor and Ian make a break for it, attempting to escape from the Robomen, but they're headed off by the creature that's controlling them: a Dalek.

The Earth has been occupied by a Dalek invasion force, and now Ian and the Doctor are Dalek prisoners. A full year after the programme's debut, and in a time when it was exceedingly rare for TV episodes ever to be seen again after their first viewing, this is the first time that Doctor Who has returned a villain, and for a few minutes some hay is made from the novelty of the experience, with Ian being horrified to hear the Daleks' voices again, and the Doctor explaining that, while their previous meeting occurred in the species's twilight days in the far future, the twenty-second century is the Daleks' Golden Age, when they have an interstellar empire.

David has now led Susan and Barbara to their destination: an underground hideout, used as the base for a cell of the human resistance movement against the Dalek occupation. We meet other resistance fighters: Tyler, the morose, fatalistic leader of the cell; Dortmun, the resistance's scientific genius, bound to a wheelchair; and Jenny, the brusque young woman who's in charge of the cell's organisation and administration.

The Doctor and Ian are imprisoned aboard the Dalek saucer that they saw landing from the warehouse window. There, they're told the history of the Dalek invasion by their cellmate, at the same time as Barbara and Susan learn it from the resistance members: first, about ten years ago, came a wave of asteroid impacts, followed by a horrible plague. These two combined to wipe out much of the Earth's population, particularly in Asia, Africa and South America. The few communities that remained were too small and isolated to resist the Daleks when they arrived. The Daleks enforce their rule by enslaving the Robomen, who only last for a limited time before the Daleks' mental control drives them insane and they kill themselves.

Tyler's resistance cell mounts an attack on the Dalek saucer, using a new hand grenade that Dortmun promises will penetrate the Daleks' casing, made of an extraterrestrial named dalekenium. But Dortmun is wrong; the bomb has no effect, and the resistance cell is mostly wiped out. Before that happens, though, they manage to get aboard the saucer and free a number of the prisoners held there, including the Doctor. As soon as the attack is repulsed, the saucer takes off. Ian is still aboard, but he's not a prisoner--he's hidden, Star Wars-style, in a secret compartment under the deck, with a fellow escaped prisoner, Larry.

After the failure of the attack, our heroes have been sorted into three groups, in which they'll remain for the duration of the story. There's Ian and Larry aboard the saucer. There's Barbara, Jenny and Dortmun, who have remained at the resistance headquarters and decide, when they hear of the attack's failure, to attempt to travel to another resistance rendezvous point in the North. And there's Susan and the Doctor, reunited when the Doctor was rescued from the saucer, who are accompanied by David and Tyler, the resistance fighters. Holed up in a makeshift hiding place, they listen to the sounds of the Daleks exterminating what resistance remains in the streets of London.

From David and Susan, the Doctor learns that the Daleks have turned the whole of Bedfordshire into a gigantic mining area, and he surmises that this facility must be the focus of their activities on Earth. He therefore decides that the four of them will strike out toward Bedford to investigate it. He can also see that some sort of connection is forming between Susan and David. The Doctor himself takes a liking to David when the young man, rather than attempting to take charge of the group, instead defers to the Doctor as the "senior member of the party".

Barbara, Jenny and Dortmun make their way across London, avoiding Dalek patrols. It's to this sequence that the famous images of the Daleks trundling across Westminster Bridge and standing guard in Trafalgar Square belong. When the three of them stop to rest and resupply at the Civic Transport Museum, Dortmun gives his life to save the two women. He rolls to a stop in front of a pair of Daleks and clambers awkwardly up out of his wheelchair, so that he can die on his feet.

With the distraction Dortmun has provided, Barbara and Jenny take a lorry from the Transport Museum's collection and are able to escape the Daleks into the countryside. They stop for the night, seeking shelter with a pair of haggard women in a creepy country cottage near the Bedfordshire mine. But the women turn out to be informants for the Daleks, enjoying their freedom in exchange for turning in runaways from the mining camp. Soon a Dalek arrives and arrests Barbara and Jenny, and they find themselves pressed into the mine's slave labour force.

The saucer carrying Ian and Larry also heads to the mine. Ian and Larry sneak off, and are saved from being captured by the camp foreman, who takes them with him to a meeting with a black marketeer who sneaks into the camp periodically to sell the foreman food for the workers. The black marketeer is a cynical, calculating individual (his line, "You're not one of these 'brotherhood of man' types, are you?" with his lip curled in disgust at Ian, takes on a whole knew meaning once one is familiar with Brotherhood of Man), but he nevertheless agrees to take Ian out of the camp and back to London.

Before he can do so, though, he's eaten by the Slither, a hissing, shambling monster that roams the camp at night, a pet of the Black Dalek, the camp commandant (and apparently the senior Dalek of the occupation force). To escape the Slither, Ian and Larry head into the mine's tunnels, where they're confronted by a Roboman, whom Larry recognises as his brother, Phil. When his attempts to make Phil remember who he is fail, he strangles him, and the two of them die together, with Phil shooting Larry.

Barbara and Jenny have gained access to the Daleks' control room by claiming to have knowledge of an imminent revolt. There, they learn the purpose of the mine: the Daleks are drilling to the centre of the Earth. They then plan to drop a bomb into the Earth's magnetic core, hollowing it out so that they can replace it with a propulsion device.

Now the Daleks are ready to drop their bomb down the completed mineshaft and detonate it. They start the countdown and depart, leaving Barbara and Jenny to die in the blast. Unbeknownst to them, however, Ian has come upon the bomb shaft in the mine tunnels, and he's blocked it. The bomb will still go off, but it will do so up here at the mine, having no effect on the Earth's core.

Barbara and Jenny are rescued by the Doctor, Susan, David and Tyler, who have arrived at the mine and mounted an assault. In the Dalek control room, Barbara identifies the microphone from which the Daleks give the Robomen their orders, and she and the Doctor give them one final command: "Turn on the Daleks. Destroy them. This order cannot be countermanded."

The Robomen and the people of Earth turn on the Daleks, and the occupation ends. (Presumably, all the Robomen still suffer horrible deaths of painful, insanity-driven suicide.) The Doctor leads the people at the camp to safety--apparently, a bomb that's big enough to hollow out the Earth's magnetic core can be safely evaded by moving a few hundred yards away to a cliff.

Everyone heads back to London, where the TARDIS is soon unearthed, and the team prepare to make their goodbyes. Susan's shoe has completely worn through at the sole, and despite her protestations that she has dozens of other pairs in the TARDIS, the Doctor insists on taking it into the TARDIS to mend it.

When Barbara and Ian have also entered the TARDIS, David approaches Susan before she can join them. He asks her to stay and marry him, offering her that which she herself admits she's never known: one place, one time. She's reduced to tears. She admits she loves him, but refuses to stay--her grandfather needs her.

Just then, the TARDIS door slams shut, locking her out. Inside, the Doctor has been listening to all of it, and he has realised that she will never leave him of her own volition. So, seeing what's best for her, he has humanely chosen to maroon her on a planet desolated by war, without even an entire pair of shoes on her feet, and announces over the TARDIS's public address tannoy how much he loves her and admires the woman she's become, and promises one day to return.

(Seriously, it's a really moving scene, as we see the Doctor what's undoubtedly his hardest good bye, emotionally, in the programme's history; the impact on the Doctor of a companion's departure gets dwelt upon more here than it will for anyone else up until the death of Adric in 1982. But when you really break it down like this into describing what actually happens, there are ... implications.)

The TARDIS dematerialises, and Susan and David walk away, hand in hand. Susan leaves behind her TARDIS key, its chain draped across the rubble where the blue box stood.

What Lisa thought: She cried. Susan's good bye scene made her cry. She tried to brush this off by claiming she was crying because it wasn't Barbara who was leaving.

I'm on record that I think this is the First Doctor's best story, and one of the three best Dalek stories the programme has ever managed. Both those mentions sum up the ways that I think the story beautifully captures the atmosphere of a Britain under authoritarian alien occupation.

The next story is "The Rescue".


Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Doctor Who: "Planet of Giants"

"Planet of Giants" directed by Mervyn Pinfield, 31 October 1964
"Dangerous Journey" directed by Mervyn Pinfield, 7 November 1964
"Crisis" directed by Douglas Camfield, 14 November 1964

Barbara is menaced by a normal-sized housefly
Planet of Giants screencap

Written by Louis Marks
Script editor: David Whitaker
Produced by Verity Lambert

William Hartnell as the Doctor
William Russell as Ian Chesterton
Jacqueline Hill as Barbara Wright
Carole Ann Ford as Susan Foreman

As the TARDIS is landing, its doors suddenly open before materialisation has finished. They close again, and whatever the fault was appears to have fixed itself, but the Doctor is nonetheless flustered. Something serious must have gone wrong for the doors to open in mid-flight, and he's worried what sort of further repercussion it might have that hasn't manifested itself yet.

At any rate, the TARDIS has now materialised fully, so the crew head outside. They're at the base of a massive, vertical rock face, but weirdly, the rock sits on a bed of cement as tall as a man. Who could have been so worried about such a massive rock formation being moved that they've wedged it in place with six solid feet of cement?

They split up to explore. The Doctor and Barbara come upon what appears to be a massive earthworm, half a man's height and so long that it stretches out of camera view, but it's dead. Susan and Ian, meanwhile, happen upon a giant ant standing guard over a mound of giant eggs, but the ant, too, is dead. Then they come across a fifteen-foot-high bottle of night scented stock and a mammoth matchbox, lying partially open. Susan has concluded that they've been shrunk to about one inch in height, but Ian scoffs at this, insisting that they must have just materialised in a museum exhibition or something like that.

Evidence seems to fall pretty firmly on Susan's side, though, when the ground quakes at the approaching footsteps of an impossibly huge giant of a man. Susan and Ian both scramble into hiding places, but Ian's chosen hiding place is inside the matchbox. The giant has arrived to collect the matchbox; he closes it, with Ian inside, and carries it away.

The TARDIS has in fact materialised at the bottom of a garden path--in fact, it's a garden path in contemporary England, so the Doctor has in fact succeeded in getting Ian and Barbara back to their own time and place, though not in a form that's useful to them. The giant, whose name is Farrow, heads up to the top of the path, where he sits outside his house, enjoying the warm summer day. Before long, a second man arrives, a businessman named Forester. Forester is developing a new pesticide, named DN6, and Farrow is a government inspector who's been testing DN6 for viability.

Farrow reluctantly informs his visitor that's he going to have to put a stop to development of DN6, as it's too lethal--not only does it kill pests, but it kills everything it comes in contact with, including insects that are necessary to the continued functioning of our ecosystems. And it accumulates, never washing out of the soil, so eventually, people who eat foods that have been treated with DN6 will accumulate enough of it in their bloodstreams that they'll start dying too.

Forester is visibly upset to learn that a project into which he's sunk his entire fortune is about to be killed, but he seems to accept it, and asks Farrow what happens next. The government inspector's answer reveals that he has what is probably the most profound case of genre blindness ever found on British television.

Nothing's going to happen straight away, Farrow says, because his two-week holiday began yesterday. He's already written his report, but he won't be turning it in until after he gets back from a fortnight spent aboard his boat, exploring the coastal waterways of France.

(In other words, he's about to embark on a holiday where he won't be missed for two weeks, and where it's totally reasonable for him to be killed in some sort of accident that will leave no body, just an overturned boat bobbing somewhere in the Bay of Biscay.)

(And considering how upset Forester is at the failure of DN6, why is Farrow boring him with such details of his holiday? I mean, he presumably isn't intentionally pointing out how easy he'd be to murder right now, so why doesn't he just say, "Well, I'm on my holidays for the next fortnight," rather than dangling it in the other man's face how carefree he's going to be for the next two weeks while Forester deals with the fact that his career is over?)

(And, especially considering he's already written his report, isn't "turning in the hugely important report on what could be a revolutionary new tool in feeding the world" the sort of thing one takes care of the day before leaving for two weeks' holiday, rather than the day after returning?)

So, yeah. Forester takes out a gun and shoots Farrow dead.

The Doctor, Susan and Barbara hear the gunshot as a tremendous explosion coming from the top of the path, so they head that way. There they find Ian, unharmed, but along the way they've noted that every piece of wildlife they've come across in the garden is dead.

Forester calls an associate, Smithers, to help him cleaning up Farrow's body. Smithers is the chief scientist behind the development of DN6. Forester tells him that Farrow planned to steal the formula for DN6 and take credit for it himself, that the gun was Farrow's, and that it went off as the two men struggled with each other. Smithers instantly sees through the story about Farrow being killed accidentally, but he's willing to accept the broader theme--that Farrow was planning on stealing DN6--because he's so excited about the possibilities of DN6 ending world hunger. He agrees to help Forester clean up evidence of the murder and hide the body.

As part of their cleanup, one of them picks up Farrow's briefcase and carries it inside, setting it on a countertop in Farrow's lab. This once again separates the TARDIS team, since Ian and Barbara have for some reason disappeared inside the briefcase. (Get your minds out the gutter.)

When Ian and Barbara emerge from the briefcase, they find themselves next to a small (five feet high, to them) pile of corn, coated in some thick, sticky substance. When Barbara, unbeknownst to Ian, touches this filmy covering, she finds she can't get it off her hands. A few moments later, a giant housefly lands on the corn and dies instantly because the sticky substance is, of course, DN6.

Barbara's reaction to this is just as great a display of unjustified stupidity as Farrow's was in episode one--in fact, it's probably a greater display, since Barbara sustains her stupidity for almost two full episodes: she absolutely refuses to tell anyone that she's come into contact with DN6. Even when it's become certain that she's been contaminated with pesticide. Even when during the repeated instances when the team will be discussing how dangerous the pesticide is, and then someone will say, "Yes, but the immediate problem is how to get ourselves back to the TARDIS and returned to normal size," and Barbara will respond with shrill hysteria at the change of subject. Even as Barbara grows sicker and weaker and nearer to death. She refuses to give her friends the most important piece of information they need to help her, and she apparently does so for no other reason than to build dramatic suspense.


The Doctor and Susan gain entry to the lab by climbing up a drainpipe into the sink, and there our four heroes are reunited. As they explore the lab, the Doctor finds Farrow's notes, on which are written the formula for DN6, and he deduces that they've stumbled into the testing stages of an extremely lethal pesticide.

They decide they need to do something about the danger the pesticide poses, so they lift a phone off its receiver by wedging a pair of corks underneath it. This connects them to the village switchboard operator, but they're unable to make themselves understood to her because their shrunken vocal cords mean their voices are pitched too high for normal-sized humans to understand. So instead they turn on a Bunsen burner and position an aerosol can in front of it, hoping that it will explode and set the lab on fire.

Meanwhile, Smithers has come across Farrow's notes in the lab, and he realises the real reason Forester murdered Farrow. Seeing his plan unravel, Forester draws his gun on Smithers, but before he can take action, the aerosol can explodes, blinding him. It's at that moment that the village constable arrives--the village switchboard is also the village constabulary, and when strange calls from Farrow's house arranged the switchboard operator's suspicions, she sent the village constable (her husband) round to check up on Mr. Farrow. The constable arrests both men.

(If the idea of the village switchboard and the village constabulary being in the same room seems too trite and cliche, bear in mind that in the village where my dad grew up, the village post office was my grandparents' living room.)

By now, the team have escaped back down the garden to the TARDIS, though Barbara is near death and finally explains what her problem is. But as soon as they're back inside and dematerialised, the Doctor is able to restore everyone to their normal size. This reduces the contamination in Barbara's bloodstream to a minimal amount, and she recovers instantly.

What Lisa thought: We both really liked this one. The Farrow-Forester-Smithers plot had a very period feel to it--it was more distinctively 1960s than any other black and white Who I can think of; the fact that the guest characters had no interaction with the regular cast gave it a feel like a 60s anthology show--The Twilight Zone or The Outer Limits. The fact that the guest plot had absolutely no science fiction elements was also a good choice; the whole thing was a very atmospheric change of pace.

The next story is "The Dalek Invasion of Earth"


Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Doctor Who: "The Reign of Terror"

The Doctor masquerades as a French Revolutionary dignitary
Screencap from 'The Reign of Terror'

"A Land of Fear", 8 August 1964
"Guests of Madame Guillotine", 15 August 1964
"A Change of Identity", 22 August 1964
"The Tyrant of France", 29 August 1964
"A Bargain of Necessity", 5 September 1964

"Prisoners of Conciergerie", 12 September 1964

Episodes in italics no longer exist.

Written by Dennis Spooner
Directed by Henric Hirsch
Script editor: David Whitaker
Produced by Verity Lambert
Associate producer: Mervyn Pinfield

William Hartnell as the Doctor
William Russell as Ian Chesterton
Jacqueline Hill as Barbara Wright
Carole Ann Ford as Susan Foreman

Ian makes a joke about the Doctor never being able to get the TARDIS to go where he wants it to go, and the Doctor--despite the fact he's been trying for nine months to drop Ian and Barbara off in 1963 Britain but has yet to get any closer than fifteenth-century Mexico--takes mortal offence at this and declares he's kicking Ian off the ship at their next stop.

(You can tell I've been watching a lot of Hartnell Who lately because it sounded perfectly natural to me in that sentence to refer to the TARDIS as "the ship".)

The TARDIS materialises in a wooded copse, which the Doctor declares is twentieth-century England. Ian is sceptical and asks that the Doctor come with them to confirm that before leaving them, but he refuses. Ian instead turns his request into an offer of a pint at the pub, to say good bye, and this entices the Doctor and Susan to accompany him and Barbara into the woods.

And they're not in Britain, or the twentieth century--they know that when they catch a filthy twelve-year-old boy in a tunic and breeks, who's been stalking them. The boy reveals that they're about twelve kilometres north of Paris, and it's the 1790s. They're in the middle of the French Revolution--and, in fact, in its bloodiest and most dangerous period, the Reign of Terror.

The boy runs off into the wood, and the TARDIS team happen across a farm house. The house is deserted, but it's not abandoned--people have been here recently. Because the first thing you do when you knock on a front door and get no answer is go inside, the Doctor heads upstairs to explore, while Ian, Barbara and Susan check out the ground floor. They find a stack of blank passports signed by none other than Robespierre, and also a chest full of clothes of all different sizes. Ian, Barbara and Susan therefore change into period garb, because--again--that's the sort of thing you do when prowling around a stranger's empty house, isn't? Change into their clothes? We'll let the logic go here, since the close-bodiced, square-necklined dresses that the women don are rather sexy, particularly Barbara's.

But it turns out the house isn't empty. While the Doctor is upstairs, two men sneak up behind him and knock him out with a blow to the neck. They then head downstairs and confront the other three. The two men have been condemned to death by guillotine for the crime of being aristocrats, but they've escaped. This house is (unsurprisingly) part of a prepared route, a stop on an Underground Railroad for French aristocrats fleeing to England.

The two men seem friendly, braining the Doctor notwithstanding, but they're interrupted by the arrival of a company of French infantry sent to recapture them. A gunfight ensues, and the two men are killed; the infantrymen arrest Ian, Barbara and Susan and then, unaware of the Doctor unconscious upstairs, set fire to the building and lead their new prisoners back to Paris.

After the others have been led away, the young boy from the woods rescues the Doctor from the flames and tells him that his friends will have been taken to the Conciergerie prison in Paris. The Doctor heads after them.

Upon arriving in Paris, Ian, Barbara and Susan are taken before a magistrate and summarily sentenced to the guillotine. They're put in gaol to await their fate. Barbara and Susan share a cell; Ian is given a cell with a prisoner who turns out to be a British spy. The spy, however, is near death, and with his dying breath he makes Ian promise to undertake his mission for him: Ian must find another British agent, one James Sterling. Sterling has information that will be vital to Britain in the coming war with France, and Ian must tell Sterling that it's time for him to return to England so he can relate that information.

A while later, a dignitary named Lemaitre visits Ian and his fellow prisoner. Discovering that the other prisoner has died, he demands to know if he said anything before he died; Ian insists that he did not. Lemaitre is not convinced, and after he leaves the cell, he demands from the prison warden the list of all prisoners who are due to be guillotined. He crosses Ian's name off the execution list. Ian is therefore left behind when the guards come for Barbara and Susan; the two women are loaded onto a tumbril and carted off to meet the guillotine at the centre of the city.

The Doctor, meanwhile, has arrived in the city. He trades his clothing and a magnificent jewelled ring to a tailor, who in return gives him the ostentatious uniform of a Regional Officer of the Provinces. Back at the prison, Ian manages to escape while the prison warden is in a drunken stupor. He doesn't know that his escape has been orchestrated by Lemaitre; nor does he know that Lemaitre is following him, reasoning that it's the only way to find out if the dead prisoner gave Ian a message for James Sterling.

Barbara and Susan's procession through the streets is intercepted by two men, Jules and Jean, who kill their guards and spirit the women back to their own safehouse. When Jules and Jean hear the women's story, they are shocked to hear of the burning of the farmhouse outside Paris and the death of the two escapees who were hiding there; it was Jules and Jean who had freed the two men and sent them to the farmhouse. They conclude that there must be a mole in their organisation, leaking details of their rescues and escape routes to the Revolutionary government.

The Doctor arrives at the prison, hoping to use his disguise as a Regional Officer to secure the release of the others. But of course he's too late; they've all already left. Before he himself can leave, though, Lemaitre arrives. He's on his way to a meeting with Robespierre, and he insists the Doctor come with him, so that he can report on his province. After the Doctor and Lemaitre leave, the tailor who sold the Doctor his disguise arrives at the prison. He tells the warden that he wishes to a report a traitor, and he has proof. When the warden demands to see the proof, the traitor holds out the Doctor's jewelled ring.

And then,

... And then, we run into an unfortunate truth of Doctor Who from the 1960s, namely that a good solid chunk of the decade's episodes no longer exist. It didn't become BBC policy to retain a copy of everything it aired until the late 1970s, and despite a lot of hard work by a lot of people all around the world, there are still to date over a hundred 25-minute Who episodes that have never been recovered, including episodes four and five of "The Reign of Terror". We've already had to skip "Marco Polo" because that story has vanished in its entirety (though its soundtrack, like the soundtracks of every lost episode, are still extant, and in most cases available on CD from BBC audio).

The problem's only going to become worse as we continue; seasons four and five have only one fully extant story apiece, of which one ("The War Machines") is only "fully extants" because a few segments have been reconstructed with images drawn from elsewhere in the story, and the other ("Tomb of the Cybermen") was thought lost for a generation, until a complete copy was found in Hong Kong in 1992. The second Doctor, Patrick Troughton, has only six fully extant stories from his three seasons--in other words, if we'd skipped William Hartnell and started our rewatch with Patrick Troughton, we would by now already have moved on to Jon Pertwee.

Rather than listen to the audios of the missing episodes, in this rewatch we're going to skip ahead to episode six. (We'll also only be watching those stories that have more than half their episodes extant, not orphaned episodes from stories that are mostly missing. All the orphan episodes, though, have been released on DVD, as part of the Lost in Time collection.)

By now, Barbara and Ian are at Jean and Jules's safehouse, but Susan is back in prison. The Doctor has been in prison, too--we've missed his meeting with Robespierre entirely--but Lemaitre has secured his release, and now the Doctor leads him straight back to the safehouse. Once there, Lemaitre reveals his secret--that he, in fact, is James Sterling, the British spy that Ian has been seeking. Ian relays the dead prisoner's message, that it's time for Sterling to return to England.

But Sterling refuses. He's learnt that a politician, Paul Barras, is planning a coup to overthrow Robespierre, and tonight he's meeting with a general to plot. Sterling can't leave until he finds out which general Barras will be meeting with, as that general will likely be the next ruler of France. But he can't infiltrate the meeting without help from the TARDIS team. They agree to help him, so long as he first helps them by securing Susan's release from prison. He agrees, and soon Susan is back at the safehouse too.

(It's at this point that anyone with even a cursory knowledge of the French Revolution should, of course, be screaming at the television, wondering how it is that none of the TARDIS team even attempts a guess at whom Barras is meeting with. Barbara is a high school history teacher, and one with enough interest in the French Revolution that she loans books about it to her favourite students. Susan already has enough experience of the Revolution that when she opened the book Barbara gave her about it, her first reaction was to laugh and declare that the author had got something wrong. And the French Revolution is, according to Susan, the Doctor's favourite period of Earth history. It's inconceivable that none of them don't instantly know exactly with whom Barras will be meeting to plot the Thermidorian Reaction tonight.)

But whatever. After Susan has been replaced, Ian and Barbara head to the inn where Barras has his meeting. Lemaitre has seen to it that the staff have been tied up in the back, so Ian masquerades as the innkeeper and Barbara as his barmaid. Barras arrives, and so too does his co-conspirator, who is, of course, one Napoleon Bonaparte. Barras lays out his plan to Bonaparte: with Napoleon's military support, Robespierre will be arrested and summarily executed the following day, and a triumvirate of Consuls will take power in France, with Bonaparte as First Consul. Napoleon, of course, agrees.

(The story actually leaves out couple of historical steps here. Barras overthrew Roberspierre's Committee of Public Safety in 1794, and in 1795 he and Napoleon staged a coup that established the Directory, not the Consulate--this was when Bonaparte dispersed the crowds with his famous "whiff of grapeshot". It wasn't until 1799 that Napoleon and the Abbé Sieyès overthrew Barras and the Directory, replacing them with the Consulate; at that time, Napoleon took office as First Consul.)

The coup goes off without a hitch the following day, but by that time, the TARDIS team are twelve kilometres outside Paris, in the woods where they first arrived. They head back into the TARDIS and take off, and we've finished Doctor Who's first season.

What Lisa thought: She wasn't too thrilled with this one, and that was true even in the early episodes, before we missed fifty minutes of story. Maybe it's because it's a straight historical. The Hartnell historicals, without any monsters or any science fiction elements whatsoever (beyond the presence of the main characters) are a beast unlike anything else the Doctor Who viewer can find in the programme's corpus; since the early part of season four, Doctor Who has only ever attempted one straight historical, 1982's "Black Orchid", and even that still had a clumsy attempt to create a "natural" monster.

The next story is "Planet of Giants".


Monday, May 16, 2011

Doctor Who: "The Sensorites"

"Strangers in Space" directed by Mervyn Pinfield, 20 June 1964
"The Unwilling Warriors" directed by Mervyn Pinfield, 27 June 1964
"Hidden Danger" directed by Mervyn Pinfield, 11 July 1964
"A Race Against Death" directed by Mervyn Pinfield, 18 July 1964
"Kidnap" directed by Frank Cox, 25 July 1964
"A Desperate Venture" directed by Frank Cox, 1 August 1964

Written by Peter R. Newman
Script editor: David Whitaker
Produced by Verity Lambert
Associate producer: Mervyn Pinfield

William Hartnell as the Doctor
William Russell as Ian Chesterton
Jacqueline Hill as Barbara Wright
Carole Ann Ford as Susan Foreman

The TARDIS materialises aboard a spaceship that at first appears lifeless. In its control room, they find two crew members--a man and a woman--who at first appear dead.

But they're not dead, and after a few moments they wake up. They're terrified at the arrival of more humans, insisting that the TARDIS crew must leave right away. It's not themselves they're terrified for--it's our heroes. With some effort, the TARDIS team manage to drag the story out of them: their spaceship is in the vicinity of the Sense Sphere, home planet of a race of telepaths called the Sensorites.

The Sensorites have used their mental abilities to trap the ship there, playing games with them: making them hallucinate, preventing them from ever setting a course for home, that sort of thing. They've never actually seen the Sensorites; whenever the aliens decide to make a trip to the spaceship, they first send the crew into a deep trance--they were just recovering from such a trance when the TARDIS crew happened upon them.

It's then that the Doctor makes a discovery: the Sensorites have removed the TARDIS's lock, making it impossible to open the door. Our heroes are now just as trapped as the spaceship crew.

(Out of curiosity, what happens if a TARDIS has a working chameleon circuit and adopts a form that doesn't have a lock on it?)

Barbara and Susan need a glass of water, so Carol, the female crew member, directs them over to a far corner of the control room. They follow her directions and somehow walk right past a sign marked WATER in large letters, instead heading through a doorway into a darkened corridor. The door closes behind them and, unnoticed by them, a human hand reaches into frame and locks it.

This has escaped the attention of the Doctor, Ian and the two crew members still on the bridge, because all of a sudden, the spaceship is hurtling toward a crash on the Sense Sphere's surface. All it would take to avoid it would be for Maitland, the male crew member, to pull back on his controls, but he's been so conditioned by the Sensorites' psychological warfare that he just sits there, terrified. At last it's Ian who reaches across and pulls them out of their dive. The Doctor theorises that the Sensorites wouldn't have let them crash, anyway; their goal seemed to be more to terrify the humans than to destroy them.

As he's talking, though, Carol and Maitland fall into another deep trance, and he and Ian realise that the Sensorites are approaching and are about to board.

Two Sensorites land in the ship's shuttle bay. They have blank, wizened faces, covered in wisps of white hair. Their eyes are narrow, dark slits, and they have no visible mouths or noses. (The no-mouth thing, I think, is an accident of their being covered up by the white facial hair, because their mouths can clearly be seen moving through the wispy hair whenever a Sensorite is shown in closeup while talking. Whatever. It's a neat effect. I'm keeping it.) Face to face, they communicate by speech, but they also carry silver disc medallions that they can hold to their forehead and communicate with each other telepathically over interplanetary distances.

Up on the bridge, Susan and Barbara's absence has finally been noticed. Carol and Maitland become frantic when they realise the two women have entered the bowels of the ship: that means they're trapped with John, the third member of the crew. John, they tell the Doctor and Ian, has suffered more from the Sensorites' conditioning than they themselves have. He's become totally the Sensorites' tool, and that experience has driven him insane.

Cut to Barbara and Susan, who by now have realised that they're locked inside the darkened chambers that they've stumbled into. They turn and find John approaching them menacingly. But rather than attack them, he collapses at their feet and sobs. Barbara and Susan comfort him. He seems to be in constant communication with the Sensorites, who are telling him to harm the newcomers, but he defiantly refuses.

The others finally manage to get the door open. John gets put to bed, and Barbara and Ian go to find the Sensorites. They find them, and Ian waves a hammer menacingly at them. Neither Ian nor the Sensorites attack, but the aliens advance on him menacingly, and slowly he backs up. In this manner they force him all the way back to the bridge, where the crew take refuge, slamming the door on the Sensorites and locking them in the corridor outside.

The Doctor, meanwhile, has found why the crew are being held against their will in orbit of the Sense Sphere. John, the ship's mineralogist, had discovered that the Sense Sphere is tremendously rich in molybdenum. The Sensorites must have sensed his discovery and that and wished to prevent the spread of that knowledge.

While the Doctor and Ian are discussing this, Susan suddenly starts holding a conversation with thin air. She's communicating telepathically with the Sensorites--proximity to the Sense Sphere has unlocked some sort of latent telepathic capability for her. Without consulting the Doctor, she agrees to accompany the Sensorites back to their planet, in exchange for which the others won't be harmed.

The Doctor, of course, refuses to abide by such an agreement. If Susan is to go to the planet, then he insists that he and Ian accompany her. Carol and John also go, with the Sensorites promising to reverse the damage they've done to John's mind. Maitland and Barbara remain on the ship so that Jacqueline Hill can get two weeks' holiday.

Once they make it down to the planet, the whole tone of the serial changes. The Sensorites are an open, peace-loving society. But they're dying, from a disease that they can't identify. Their working theory is that it's some sort of poisoning from a second Earth ship. That ship had been the first to visit their planet. When its crew discovered the molybdenum, they took off so hurriedly that their ship exploded, but not before the Sensorites saw the images in the crew's minds--of a fleet of spaceships returning to plunder their world. So they knew that when the second ship came within the vicinity of their planet, they could not allow it to leave again.

When Ian falls ill too, the Doctor is able pretty quickly to identify it as atropine poisoning, delivered through the city's water supply. The Sensorites are sceptical; they've already tested the water and found nothing wrong with it. But the Doctor realises that whoever is poisoning the water is making sure to shift the poison between each of the ten different pipelines that take water into the city, so that if you only sample from one pipeline, you've got a ninety per cent chance of taking a clean sample. He therefore has all ten pipes tested simultaneously, and one of them tests positive for atropine.

(Why didn't the Sensorites think of this themselves? Well, Ian falls sick within two minutes of drinking a glass of water, so it's probably the same reason it never occurred to the Sensorites to test the water people were drinking every time they fell sick.)

The Doctor's efforts to combat the poison and develop an antidote are complicated by a conspiracy amongst the Sensorites. A junior official, the City Administrator, is convinced that the Doctor and his friends are in on the plot to poison the population and are in fact planning to wipe the Sensorites out, so he diverts the Doctor's antidote from ever reaching Ian.

(How it is that the Sensorites can tell exactly what possibilities the discovery of molybdenum awakes in one crew of humans, but can't read in another that their efforts to cure the poison are genuine, is never explained.)

As part of their plot, the City Administrator and his minion kidnap the Second Elder, one of the Sensorites' two supreme leaders, and then the City Administrator masquerades as the Second Elder to Susan. He can pull this off because, as Carol observes, all the Sensorites look identical to the humans; they can only tell them about by the different patterns of black stripes they wear on their clothes to indicate their ranks. This is either a profoundly unaware view of native peoples from a writer who must still, in 1964, have yet to have had the "post" added to "post-colonial", or an amusing parody of such a view, or a delightfully post-modern comment on the limitations of television makeup. Let's be charitable and assume it's the latter two, even though I doubt that's the case.

The City Administrator is, of course, eventually found out, and Ian and the rest of the Sensorites are cured. The TARDIS team travel into the caverns beneath the city, where the water pipelines are located, and find the source of the poisoning: three survivors from that first human ship that visited the Sense Sphere and crashed, ten years ago. They've gone insane, and they believe they're waging a war against the Sensorites. The Doctor is able to lure them up into the light, and the Sensorites apprehend them. The Doctor, Ian and Susan are reunited with Barbara, and the crew depart in the TARDIS.

What Lisa thought: There's a lot of interesting sciency stuff in "The Sensorites", starting with the molybdenum and the atropine poisoning. You can see the programme still being fully in touch with its roots as an educational vehicle for pre-teen children. One touch I really like is the Sensorites' sensitivity to light. The Doctor notices that their pupils dilate in light and contract in darkness, so in the early episodes, he's able to use that as a weapon against them: he lowers the lighting aboard the spaceship, and the Sensorites are rendered effectively blind in what is for the humans only an uncomfortable dimness.

But really "The Sensorites" revolves around that transition in the opening minutes of episode three, when the Doctor, Ian and Susan head down to the Sense Sphere and everything about the Sensorites and the story's tone changes. Lisa had found the opening two episodes fairly tiresome, but she really liked the four planet-side episodes, which dabbled in medical mysteries and global politics.

I, on the other hand, thought the last four episodes were fairly passé, by the numbers stuff. The opening two episodes, though, I had thought were brilliant--genuinely creepy, disquieting science fiction, as we were locked inside this claustrophobic ship and psychologically tortured by unseen aliens for their own amusement. Watching it was for me an experience very like the first time one reads Harlan Ellison's 1967 short story "I Have No Mouth, and I Must Scream".

The next story is "The Reign of Terror".